Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

Posted on May 9, 2022
Seven women sitting on a porch posing for a picture
Rocky Mountain Place Based Learning Network at Nipika

The Rocky Mountain Place Based Learning Network was very grateful for the opportunity to meet together again at Nipika for the 2022 Leadership Clinic. Members Alexis Barrett, Erica Croitoru, Tara Whittick, Jodi Casey, Laurie Neeve, Jenn Meens, and Natasha Burgess were in attendance, along with members from local Environmental Educators Provincial Specialist Association (EEPSA) chapters across the province.

There were many rich conversations about school gardens, learning with the land, and supporting new teachers in getting classes outside. Numerous stories were shared about the positive impact of risky play, exploration, and connection to places within our communities, and student driven environmental impact projects.

The District would like to join the Rocky Mountain Place Based Learning Network and thank Columbia Basin Environmental Education Network (CBEEN) and and EEPSA for hosting such an incredible event. The Rocky Mountain Place Based Learning Network would also like to encourage teachers to sign up for EEPSA memberships and reach out to connect with other teachers invested in getting students outside.

This team is looking forward to hosting a walking book club focused on The Walking Curriculum during the 2022-23 school year.