Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

Posted on Sep 22, 2023

Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 submits 2023-24 to 2026-27 strategic plan and 2022-23 Enhancing Student Learning Report to Ministry of Education and Child Care. 

The Ministry of Education and Child Care requires school districts to submit several reports as part of the government legislation called The Framework for Enhancing Student Learning. Each year, the district reviews data from a variety of sources to determine areas of growth and to clarify improvement targets for the upcoming year. 

Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 submitted the 2022-2023 Enhancing Student Learning Report to the Ministry of Education and Child Care.  The report reflects the School District’s commitment to continuous improvement and demonstrates growth in strategic areas of student achievement.  The report shows student growth and improvement in the following areas:

  • Growth in all areas of feeling safe, welcome, and a sense of belonging in all age groups of the Provincial Student Learning Survey
  • 86% graduation rate for Indigenous learners, an all-time high.
  • 5-year high for completion rate of Non-Indigenous learners at 92%
  • Three-year high for completion rate of students with diverse needs
  • Growth trend on the Graduation Numeracy Assessment Grade 10 over four years with a 25% total gain in achievement since year one.
  • 98% successful transition rate between grades in the graduation program (Grades 10-12)
  • Grade 4 and 7 Literacy and Numeracy achievement on Foundation Skills Assessment (FSA) ahead of provincial achievement trends

Amber Byklum, Chairperson of the Board of Education states, “The data shows that the School District is moving student outcomes in the right direction.  This is a testament to the commitment that teachers, support staff, school administration, district principals and vice principals, and senior administration have to our student outcomes”.

“I’m very proud of the results that we are seeing in our students learning outcomes.  It brings me great hope to see the 86% graduation rate for our Indigenous learners.  We still have work to do but this is not possible without the focused investment and work of District Vice Principal of Indigenous Learning and Equity, Jenna Jasek, and our Indigenous Education Support Workers.  There is still lots of work to do but I am looking forward to seeing improvements in our targeted areas of numeracy and literacy” said Superintendent Karen Shipka.

The School District also submitted to the Ministry of Education the 2023-24 to 2026-27 strategic plan.  The strategic plan is a culmination of community engagements held in the spring of 2023 at all schools with stakeholders and families.  Based on the strategic plan, next year’s Operational Plan has also been developed.  Visit the Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 website to review all reports and plans. 

Enhancing Student Learning Reporting | Rocky Mountain School District No. 6 (