Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

Posted on Jan 25, 2023
A side profile of a female with her head facing down.  Text that states 1 in 2 people struggling aren't getting the help they need.  Let's change this.

Today is  Bell Let’s Talk Day - a day dedicated to encouraging Canadians and people around the world to talk and take action to help reduce stigma around mental illness and promote awareness and understanding so everyone can get the help they need.

The District is committed to fulfilling the Ministry of Education and Child Care's Mental Health School Strategy.  A full plan will be completed in the Spring of 2023 will be based on three pillars: Compassionate Systems Leadership, Social Emotional Learning ant Mental Health Literacty, and Systems of Support. 

An update on the strategy was provided to the Board of Education in December.  You can read the update by following this link.