Rocky Mountain School District No. 6

Posted on May 31, 2022
Cover of Ab Ed Journal with Indigenous woman putting on earrings
Selkirk AB Ed Journal Vol. 2 Iss. 2

Selkirk students are producing an amazing Ab Ed Journal.  It is a student led project and Esther Sylvestre, Aboriginal Education Support Worker, and Amy McInnis, Aboriginal Education Educational Assistant, usually picks the theme. This volume's theme was modern Indigenous people wanting to hang on to traditional Indigenous values.

When asked how the Ab Ed Journal came to be, Esther Sylvestre said, "It came to be because I was trying to figure out a way to engage these students and to take pride in their indigenous background and thought if they researched various topics of interest to them they could create a climate of Indigenous pride". 

You can view the current issue here:

Ab Ed Volume 2, #2 (




Past issues:

Volume1 Issue1: 

Volume1 Issue2: 

Volume2 Issue1: